Sunday, August 26, 2007

Another journey

Well everything has been finalized and it looks like I have another conference coming up in October.

So where am I heading this time? . . . .

I can’t quite believe it myself . . .


Yes, I’m off to China in October! The conference is three days but I’ve taken some time off so will be there for a week to see the sights. Got my guide book, already spoken to a few people who have been there – I can’t wait to go now.

My one hesitation is the air pollution, some types of air pollution can sting my eyes fiercely, so I can only hope that I’ll be okay while I’m there. If the air quality really affects me then this trip could turn out to be a misery instead of interesting. I’ll try to arm myself with eyedrops before I go.

Forbidden City here I come!


Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! I can't WAIT to see your pictures from Beijing. Lucky, lucky you!


Magnus said...

See the Forbidden City, please. I know 5 people who have been to Bejing, but never set foot in teh Forbidden City.

Glen McKay said...

You better believe I'm going to see the Forbidden City. Hoping it will be my first stop>