Earlier this month Al Jazeera showed a documentary about the protests in Bahrain. Titled “Shouting in the Dark” the documentary shows the crackdown by the Government on the protests that occurred earlier this year.
The documentary caused a bit of a diplomatic row, with writers in Bahrain attacking Qatar and Al Jazeera saying the documentary was biased. Al Jazeera pointed out that they made numerous requests to the Government for their side of the story and received no response.
The Bahrain Government does not want you to see this documentary. As soon as I heard that a Government (any Government) did not want a piece of media shown I want to see what the fuss is about. So I saw it.
You should too.
Shouting in the Dark
In 2006 I moved to Qatar and things are not what many people in North America would expect - it is not like how the Middle East is portrayed in the media. I'm also a fan of skepticism and science so wondered how this works here in Qatar. Since I'm here for a while I figured I'd use the time to get to know this country better and with this blog you can learn along with me. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - So what posts have been popular recently . . .
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