Saturday, March 31, 2007

Time for a change

I started wondering why I don't update my blog as often as I should. On average I'm posting to it maybe every four days or so, sometimes the gaps are even larger. Not a good thing.

I do know that I have been travelling A LOT in the last few months but still, I could be blogging more often. And I came to the conclusion that I don't blog as often as I should because the things I've been putting on this blog are not really all that exciting to note. If I'm going to blog more often it's going to have to be about things that I want to talk about right there & then - analysis of current events, gripes, changes, and so forth.

So henceforth this blog is going in a new direction. I'm going to lose a lot of the generic commentary that I've been maintaining and get more into the nitty-gritty of everyday life, news, current events, & things on my mind. Maybe then I'll be inspired to blog more often.

So starting tomorrow, a new beginning . . .

(I'll still have the occasional post about some vapid things, like how much I'm currently enjoying my Babylon 5 DVDs. Just occasionally though.)

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