Okay so the MRI results came back, looks like I have a slight degeneration in one of the discs in my lower back. It has a lot less fluid than the other discs, which affects the elasticity, which can cause soreness and pinching. Definitely could see it in the MRI -- all of my discs showed up as black with white in the middle except for the troubled disc which was entirely black. So I'm booked for physiotherapy (starting this week), need to lose weight, and try to avoid sitting for long periods of time, which is more difficult than it sounds since I work in an office. If after a few months there is still no improvements I think I can have fluid injected into the disc, but that sounds a little scary. The degeneration is apparently something that can come with age and also with people who sit for long periods of time. I'm getting old! *sigh*
On the plus side booking physiotherapy was a breeze, go down one floor to the physiotherapy department at the clinic, hand them the referral form, and my first appointment is in a few days (provided the insurance company approves it of course). When it comes to wait times for medical service Qatar beats Canada hands-down.
In 2006 I moved to Qatar and things are not what many people in North America would expect - it is not like how the Middle East is portrayed in the media. I'm also a fan of skepticism and science so wondered how this works here in Qatar. Since I'm here for a while I figured I'd use the time to get to know this country better and with this blog you can learn along with me. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - So what posts have been popular recently . . .
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Hi Glen, I have been away over the Christmas holidays so I am just getting caught up on your blog. I was very sorry to read about your health problems. Thankfully they gave you some pain meds so that you can continue getting a round rather then suffering at home in pain.
I find it hard to believe that you need to lose weight, you looked fit and trim when I visited last Jan & Feb.
This year I am planning to go back to Costa Rica rather then visit my daughter in Doha. I love the beautiful color of the birds and plant life there and watching all the wild life.
Have a safe trip back to Canada and wait till you get back to Doha before starting your diet. Moms cooking is always hard to resist.
Hi Karen, nice to hear from you again. You don't know my Mother, I've already heard from family that next visit she's watching my portions and keeping my hands out of the cookie jar.
Hi Glen, LOL! A mothers love knows no boundaries. I am sure she will make some great food so that it will be a healthy but painless diet. Not like the old days of lettuce and rabbit food.
Hi Glen,
Noticed this post regarding your back, how are you getting on?
I'm currently working in Doha and looking to get treatment for my own back problems.
Which private hospital did you go to? Or perhaps you would recommend another?
Hi Alex. Only recently have I had some more back problems. I went to Al Ahli hospital which is decent but your insurance might not cover Al Ahli (you'll need to check) and an appointment with the orthopedics department could take 2-3 weeks.
A Qatari recommended a doctor at Doha Clinic on Al Nasr street, his name is something like "Sahan Badran". He said he was pretty good.
Oh I forgot to mention -- a friend of mine has frequent back issues and they recommended Al Ahli to me.
Hi Glen,
I started having a look and as it happens I ear marked Al Ahli as well. I'll give it a go in that case.
Thanks again,
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