[Note for tourists or visitors: you do not need a liquor permit to have alcohol at a bar, the permit only applies to purchasing alcohol at the one liquor store in Qatar. However, please be aware that you will need to bring your passport or Qatar ID card to the bar to be allowed entry. A drivers’ license or other picture ID is not good enough -- it has to be your passport/Qatar ID.]
[this post was last updated on November 28, 2016 as the QDC made an important change, removing the requirement for a deposit and instead instituting an annual fee. They also added a new email address.]
So my liquor permit was expiring this month so it was time to renew it. For those of you new to Qatar and looking for a liquor permit, or wondering what to do to renew it, here are the steps:
1) IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR A NEW PERMIT -- get a letter from your employer addressed to the Qatar Distribution Company confirming your name, ID number, position, basic salary, accommodation entitlement (or whether the company provides accommodation), and marital status. It has to be on original letterhead, signed and stamped by the company. You do not have to get this letter for renewing your permit.
[UPDATE -- two commentators have said you need a salary of at least QAR 4000/month to get a license]
Yes, this means your employer has to give you permission to get a liquor license. No letter, no license. Your HR department should know exactly how the letter should look, if they don't then chances are you work for a company that's not going to give you one. This also means that if you do not have a job you won't be able to apply for your own liquor license. I have a Muslim friend who is married to a Christian woman and because she is under her husband’s sponsorship she could not get her own liquor license.
In the past you needed a letter from your employer for a renewal, not anymore. If you are renewing your permit then the documents you need depends on whether any details have changed. The QDC now has a handy guide posted at the permit office, but due to changes from December 2016 ignore the last bit about a security deposit:
2) Prepare to visit the Qatar Distribution Company (“QDC”) by gathering your letter, your passport or Qatar ID, a pen to fill out the application, and some a credit or debit card to pay the fee (they now state on their facebook page that payment must be electronic, no cash). Renewals are NO LONGER FREE so if you are renewing you also need to bring payment as well as your Qatar ID, I don't think a passport will do it. QDC does have an email address as well, customerservice@qdc.com.qa (if that doesn't work try permit@qdc.com.qa), so you might be able to request the form in advance. I found just visiting them not complicated or time-consuming so just going there might be easier. As you'll need to pay a fee you can't complete the licensing process via email so you'll need to visit the QDC anyway.
2a) Fees? Yep, as of December 1, 2016 there is now a fee. In the past you just paid a refundable deposit but now they have moved to charging a fee instead. It is based on the validity of your Residence Permit, and the QDC say they'll pro-rata it if the Residence Permit expires earlier than a year.
1 year permit validity: QAR 150
2 year permit validity: QAR 250
3 year permit validity: QAR 350
4 year permit validity: QAR 450
3) Go to the QDC. This is not an easy place to find and there will not be signs directing you to it. It is in the Abu Hamour neighborhood close to Barwa Commercial Avenue and Safari Hypermarket. If you get a Marhaba guide on the main map it will be in sector F3, called "QDC". Hours are typically every day except Friday from 9am to 9pm. Note that the QDC is not open during the entire month of Ramadan.
Usually you can’t drive your car into the parking lot unless you show them your permit, either tell them you're here to get a new permit or park outside and walk in.
4) When you enter the building you'll see in front of you an ATM and a set of sliding doors with some security guards in front of it. That's the entrance into the liquor store, you can't go in there without a permit. Turn to your left and go through the doors on the far left, which leads to a staircase. Go up one floor, you'll see a small room with chairs. This is the waiting room. There will be a ticket machine that dispenses a number, and copies of the application form that you have to fill out if applying for a new permit.
5) The application form asks for name, address, a mobile number, e-mail address etc., as well as marital status and monthly salary. You have to complete this form for new permits.
One key thing it asks for is your religion. One of my Muslim friends told me that Muslims are not allowed to get a liquor permit but I've only ever heard it from him. Three commentators to this post have said it is possible for Muslims to get a liquor license so I think as long as your employer gives you the letter a Muslim can get a permit.
6) When your number is called you go into the permit office where they will take your documents and your ID card or passport. They will also take a picture of you for the permit. Make sure you're not wearing a hat because when they take your photo it might look something like this:

(Blah, my hair looks terrible!)
And then, if all things are good, they will give you your permit. They print it right there while you wait so you don't have to come back another time for it. You can now go downstairs and enter the liquor store.
Aside from the email mentioned above you can also call the QDC at 4429-9777.
PORK: the QDC is also the only place that sells pork. You do not need a separate license for this -- as long as you have a liquor license you can enter the store and buy pork as well.
I think technically that you just need the letter from your employer with the required information, they do not need to give permission. That said, certain firms with Islamic connections may refuse to provide the letter, so effectively they can deby "permission". The liquor lisence aapplication was the only time I was ever asked my religion in Qatar. My understanding is that if you answer Islam the application will be rejected, but that may come from the same source s your information.
Yes, that's what I meant. The letter does not state that the company gives you permission but no letter, no license, so your employer does have a say if you can acquire a liquor license.
But the fact that they don't actually have to give permission makes it somewhat easier for more religious Muslims or Islamic firms to cooperate
Impressive article..nice work!
liquor store license
Hi, I remember my friend used to renew his license by scanning the documents stated above and sending them to a certain e-mail in QDC and then just go and collect the renewed license. Got any idea about that?
Secondly, I have many Muslim friends who have the liquor license. For those who say that QDC refused their application, then it must be due to low income reasons OR they are just not willing to let their employer know that they use alcohol (It might a problem for most).
Hi Youssef. Sorry, I don't know anything about scanning and sending the documents in advance. Maybe that was accepted before they set up their new processing offices. As a brief search couldn't find a QDC website I'm not sure that would work anymore.
Thanks for the mention about Muslims, I'll update the post.
Hi, after renewing the license, i asked the staff about email documents for renewal and they said it still works. You would have to send the documents to "Permit@qdc.com.qa".
Thanks for your most useful blog. We are considering a move to Doha and have heard a bit about the liquor license but none of the blogs have ever said is how much liquor you get? I know it is based on income so can someone give me an estimate for a family of 4 (only two adults) in which only one is employed and is making approximately 150,000 (USD)? Do they only sell liquor or is beer sold there as well? Finally, I've been told that this store is the only one that sells pork and you need a license for that also. Is that correct? Is it the same license? Approximately what would my family’s allotment be?
Thanks Youssef, I'll update my blog post.
Hi there, thanks for stopping by.
Firstly, yes the liquor store sells beer, wine and spirits. Reasonable selection too, more than I expected it to have for a Muslim country.
Secondly, when I first got my license and saw the limit my first thought was, “Do they think I'm planning to host a wedding reception every month?”. I'm going to guess your limit will be around QAR 4000 a month, maybe even more. Unless you have a taste for real high-end cognacs and champagnes that will be plenty for your alcohol needs.
For comparison one beer will typically be QAR 8-11, and a bottle of standard spirits (such as Johnny Walker Red, Beefeater Gin, Jose Cuervo, Smirnoff) will be around QAR 125 a bottle. In the 7+ years I've been here I've only heard of one Western colleague who once reached his limit, that's because he was hosting what I imagine was a very big party.
Thirdly, the QDC is the only place you can buy pork. The same license is used to access the pork as it is sold in the same store. You don't need a separate license for it. I've never purchased pork from the QDC so not sure if it also goes against your monthly limit or whether you can just buy as much as you want. But given I expect you will have a significant limit, even if the pork goes against that limit I'm sure QAR 4000+ a month should be more than enough for your pork and alcohol needs.
Thanks for your response. Very informative as are most of your posts. I think you are quite correct that I likely will never hit my limit. In fact, if I do I probably won't be able to work... and there goes the whole middle eastern adventure :) That's not going to happen.
Thanks again.
My friend is Muslim and he has a liquor permit.
Hi, does anyone know if QDC is open during Eid Al Adha??
Or does anybody have a contact number to check?
I'm not sure if it's open as I'm rarely in Qatar during Eid. Maybe ask them via email: permit@qdc.com.qa
What would be the minimum salary limit that is eligible to have a liquor permit?? any idea??
Thank you in advance..
Hi Jude. I don't know for sure but I'm guessing anyone with a salary over QAR 10,000 a month should not have an issue. Under that I'm not sure because I don't know where they draw the line (8,000? 5,000?)
I just want to clarify this;
1. basic minimum salary and
2. basic minimum package salary (including all allowances).
(e.g: i have a basic salary of 5k and my package is 12k including the housing and transportation allowances.)
which one of the this they will base in order to have a permit?
I spoke to an HR person who does up QDC letters for his company, he said they put in the letter the salary and the housing allowance.
Minimum basic salary is Qr.4000 and if your basic is Qr.10,000 you will get minimum limit of Qr.2500
Thanks for the update Anonymous.
i am muslim. i have HR letter permission and salary also 4000 QR above and i am single possible get license
Is it possible to get a permit without a Resident's Permit? Will a letter from my Sponsor confirming that I will be getting an RP suffice?
I going to guess that you'll need your residence permit to get the license. You'll just need to go to the bars for a drink until your RP clears.
How much beer/wine/whiskey can you buy at a time? per week? per month? per year?
When you get your license you will receive a monthly limit in riyal of how much you can spend. You can buy up to your limit when you go to the store. So for example if your limit is QAR 2000 then you can use your whole limit in one trip to the store if you want. You can buy any combination of beer/wine/spirits up to your limit.
Hi, i dont have a permit and i want to get a permit in mt wife's name. She is on my sponsorship and she is working and drawing a salary more than 10K is it possible for her to get a permit?
Hmmm, that's good question. I don't know the answer but my gut feeling would be no, I think it has to be off of a corporate sponsorship. Otherwise it's an easy loophole for people to get around limits by providing a letter listing a salary of whatever you want. It wouldn't hurt to ask the QDC though, maybe it's allowed. I don't know of anyone who tried.
Hi, I've called the Permit office to inquire and was told that ladies under their husband sponsorship may apply provided they bring the letter and the ID of her sponsor.
I was able to get my permit! :)
Am under husband sponsorship so it is not an issue whether your are under company or family visa as long as you meet all other requirements.
Thank you very much, your post was very helpful for me getting the license.
I recently just renewed my permit and was informed by that, for new permit, the letter from HR should also indicate that you are provided a housing allowance (indicating your current home address) or if your provided with a company accommodation (the address should also be indicated). I am not quite sure though if these applies to all.
Is it the Basic 4000 QR or Gross salary?
How the limit is decided?
Please explain
I believe the QAR 4000 a month is based on your salary NOT including housing allowances or other allowances. That's why the letter from your employer has to mention both your salary and housing. So you must make at least 4000 a month not including allowances.
I don't know exactly how the limit is calculated, whether it is a percentage of your salary (probably around 15%) or if there are bands, for example a salary of 4000-6000 gets a specific amount a month, 6000-9000 a higher amount etc.
If you got a combined limit like for example during the month of November and December. Both months has been combined in one month. If you consumed the combined credit limit on the month of November, will you able to get another credit limit on December? Please advise. Thanks in advance.
My guess -- if the limit was combined for two months then that is all you would get to spend for the two months. If you used it all in the first month (and that is a LOT of alcohol) then you won't get another amount the second month.
8000 basic with accom and tranportation service.. they will give me the letter my salary is manual not by atm.. is it ok?
Hi Emmanuel. Someone else commented that the minimum salary was QAR 4000 a month so as long as you have that and the letter you should be okay. I don't think it matters if you are paid 'manually' or through a bank account.
If you get the letter then go to QDC and try for the license. Trying won't hurt.
how about the signatory who will sign it the Hr manager or the owner of the company .. the one who i think will sign is the person who is authorize and always signing document and other papers.. will it be specifically the main owner of the company.. ?
If your HR manager doesn't know who can sign the letter then they need to talk to QDC -- because if they don't know that then I doubt they know what the letter has to say.
Logically I doubt only the CEO or the owner can sign the letter. A large company with hundreds or thousands of employees would not be giving the CEO hundreds of letters to sign.
how would they know if the signatory is the CEO ? i have a manager who who will sign it..
Emmanuel, They will go to your main office and ask who is the authorize person to sign such things and check if his signature matches the signature in the letter you attached in your QDC license application. If it does not match, boy you're in BIG trouble! You will be jailed for 5 years and will be given 500 lashes which will be divided in 5.100 lashes each year, every 4rth of July. KIDDING. (^_^)
You need a LETTER from your COMPANY in ENGLISH stating your basic salary(must be 4000 and above), accommodation allowance, transportation allowance, airfare allowance, etc.... The LETTER must be COMPANY stamped(where you are working) and signed by the right authority.
i already tried it but they need my contract.. and mine is way far away from my saley on my contract.. so everyone need a contract.. idid not come back to push it.. i will wait another year till i have my salary on the paper..
What's the process for a lost add permit?
I'm guessing you'll have to go back to the QDC, maybe they can look up your name on the computer and print you a new card? Otherwise they can tell you what you need to do.
I got my permenant Liquor permit yesterday.My basic salary is 11000 QAR.
M/s QDC has allocated a monthly limit of 1000 QAR??.Why this disparity???
I made a comment above, "I don't know exactly how the limit is calculated, whether it is a percentage of your salary (probably around 15%) or if there are bands, for example a salary of 4000-6000 gets a specific amount a month, 6000-9000 a higher amount etc."
So it appears that for a salary of 11000 you'll get a limit of 1000 a month. I hope you weren't expecting to be able to spend half your salary on alcohol?
iam unmarried
My basic salary Qr.4750/- + Mobile allowance Qr.250 and company provided Accommodation and transportation.
Company not give any letter but i have Appointment (offer) letter with letter head
and have salary transfer bank statement
possible i get license
Hi Somasundaram. You would need to ask QDC but my guess is that showing an offer letter is not enough. Point #1 of my blog post is that you need a letter from the company addressed to the QDC. Showing the QDC your salary offer is not a letter addressed to QDC.
As for your salary, two people have commented you can get a license with a salary of QAR 4000, so your salary amount is probably not a problem, but I think you need a letter from your company.
Hi, i am having the signature authority. Is it possible to get the liscence if both applicant and authorizer are same. Or my qatari sponsor to sign the letter?
Hi Arun. I honestly do not know. I'm going to guess 'no', because otherwise everyone would just do their own letters and put down whatever salary they want, but since you have signing authority why not give it a try.
what about the Muslim and none Muslim thing can you explain that
I just got back renewing my license. The post has now been updated with new information.
In regards to Muslims: in the past one Muslim told me that the QDC would not issue liquor permits to Muslims but three different people posted in the comments section of this post that it is not true and a Muslim can receive a license. You would need the letter from your employer though to get a permit.
One of my friend recently renewed his QDC Permit.After few days he got message to visit permit review office.When he called the QDC Office they told his card is blocked and he has to visit the permit review office.Any Idea???
No idea really. Maybe his RP was close to expiring, or there was something else wrong with the paperwork that they figured out when reviewing the documents?
Can i get a permit by showing 4000Qar with all my allowances includes accomdation,transportation,food and mobile etc
Can i get a permit by showing 4000Qar with all my allowances includes accomdation,transportation,food and mobile etc
My friend visited the QDC Permit Review office.The matter was that last month he had purchased 4 cartons of BARDINET Brandy for a party.The QDC authorities were saying that A PERSON CANNOT USE 48 BOTTLES IN ONE MONTH.Their statement is valid and having logic.Hence,They reduced the permit limit from 3500 to 2000 and warned against the misuse of QDC Permit.My friend is also genuine in his reason,But no luck!!
i renewed my permit last saturday. but the next day ireceived an SMS from QDC saying "Youa are kindly advised to meet our revie office regarding your permit renewal" the lasttime i renewed my permit, i didnt received this kind of SMS fro QDC. what does it mean?
Not sure, maybe they found an issue with the paperwork, or, if you look at the comment above yours, maybe you recently purchased a lot of alcohol and they have suspicions of misuse.
There is any official information passing from QDC to my company , when I applied for liquor permit ?
What if your basic is 3800 Qatari Riyals? Then I guess you're doomed....
What if your basic is 3800 Qatari Riyals? Then I guess you're doomed....
You could always ask the QDC if you can still apply. If it turns out that your salary is too low then yes, you can't get a license. You'll have to go with overpriced drinks at bars if you want to drink something.
Damn that's too bad considering the black market rates.
Hi Glen ,
Informative Blog , also very active ..
When we apply for liquor license , there is any official inquiry / cross checking from the QDC to my company ? Because our HR ready to give the paper , But our sponsor may not interested in non Islamic activities .. :)
Hi John. They definitely don't at the time you receive your card, you get your card within a frw minutrs of providing the paperwork so they wouldn't have time to contact the sponsor. Do they notify the sponsor afterward? I don't know for sure but my hunch is 'no' since you have given them a letter from your employer. They'd contact HR if they thought something was fishy.
Glen , Thank you very much & appreciate your QUICK response ....
Dear Glen ,
If you don't mind , Could I get a sample letter format of Company letter to QDC ?
John Jacob
Sorry but I don't have one and I'm not 100% sure how it is supposed to look. I suggest writing an email to the QDC and asking them for the format.
Hi everybody. I used to live in UAE last 4 years, 1 year in Dubai and 3 in Abu Dhabi. In Abu Dhabi you can buy alcohol legal even without license but in Dubai not possible. My question is: if there is possibility to buy alcohol illegal from dealers? Are those dealers exist at all? I'm asking because in Dubai I had a possibility to get alcohol on this way. Call the guy, order, and he bringing on home address. It is a bit dangerous but still you have choice. Thanks
I suggest if you want alcohol but don't have a license to just go to a bar and drink there. Why break the law getting alcohol from a dealer/smuggler? You can drink at a bar without hassle.
Don't break the law, you could wind up in a lot of trouble just to have some drinks.
hi, do we have mobile apps or web site for qdc to check online balance that can only log in using qdc card number and etc,,,
Not to my knowledge, I searched Apple App Store and found nothing. But given your liquor allowance is monthly it should be easy to keep track of how much was spent at the QDC. It's not like people go to the QDC five or six times a month. I'd guess once or twice would be standard.
My friend was trying to renew his license but it was disapproved due to consistently consuming the monthly purchase allowance. QDC confiscated his license and took the deposit as penalty. Will my friend face any legal action or will it be up to confiscation of license and penalty only?
Sorry, I don't know. Since they didn't call the police and have him arrested I'd guess that would be it. I've heard of people not getting renewed but this is the first time I've heard of them keeping the deposit.
Goodafternoon sir.. can i ask they gave me a letter having 10,000 package salary the letter is signed & sealed by my general manager.. they didnt indicate the basic.. is it possible to get license?thanks
Hi good day...my company gave me a permission letter having a 10,000 package salary signed and sealed by the general manager is it possible to get license?thanks
My understanding is that the basic should be listed separately. Call the QDC at 4429-9777 and ask if having everything as one number is okay.
hi,my QID is expired now,it will take time to renual by my company,so is it any ulternate way for renual
Hai sir im work in HMC my salary is 4900 total i have a chance or ??
Hi, do you have any information on what to do when one losses their id license? Ive lost mine, with my qid etc. How much is the fee? And what documents am i gonna bring? Thank you
Hi there. Sorry but I don't know about how to replace your Qatar ID. You should probably tell your sponsor, if you work for a company your HR department should know. Otherwise you may have to contact the Ministry of Interior or search their website for more information.
Hi some of my friends recebtly turned back by QDC because they were asking 3 months bank statement in order to apply new permit despite having letter from employer. Please advice.
That's easy -- provide them what they ask for.
Hi, first time to apply for liquor permit. Is it true that married couple could join their basic salary to meet the QR4000 basic salary. My husband have basic salary of Qr 2250 and mine is QR2000, total of QR 4250. Because there is a joint permit for married couples.
Hello jackyn...
Just to ask about your joint permit for married couples,can you confim it because my wife and i are below 4k-from our BASIC but our salary range are 12k for both.do you have a permit from both of you?what are the requirments aside from letter?
hi im sami... can anyone write here liquor permit letter format from sponsor
i just went to qdc last week but they were asking for my employment contract. i have the needed requirements but why were they asking for my emoloyment contract?
they already issued my qdc license but they told me to send via email a copy of my employment contract. is it needed?
my friend told me that the new requirements to get a qdc license are bank statement, noc, salary certificate and company cr is that correct please response my message thanks
May i know the new requirements to get a qdc license my salary package is 4,000. but one of my friend told me that need a 3 months bank statement and noc from the company, computer card of the company..
I don't have a license anymore so if QDC has changed its requirements then I rely on others to tell me what the requirements are. I suggest go to QDC or call them and ask what it is that you need to bring.
The QDC can change it requirements or ask for further documentation. If you bring them a letter stating that you have a high salary they might ask for further proof, such as a bank statement or copy of your contract. Maybe they ask for the CR if they've never heard of the company. Not sure what a "computer card" is.
Anyway, call or go there and ask what they want for documents. Don't be surprised if they review it and then ask you to bring more papers. The QDC is allowed to ask for whatever they want before giving people a license.
Hi just want to check if they really decrease the basic salary requirement?
I don't know if they decreased the basic salary requirement or not but I haven't heard anything from anyone about that. You'll have to contact QDC and find out.
is there a possible way that i can increase my quota limit in qdc. i got only 400 quota . my salary that i put on the certificate is 3000 basic salary, trasnpo and food allowance is 2000
I suppose you could ask QDC to increase the limit but I'm not sure if they will do that. I think the limit is based on your salary so the only way to get a higher limit is if you have a larger salary.
My QDC is for renewal... I lost my old QDC license ID... is there any additional charge for this?
Sorry, I don't know. I assume they have your Qatar ID number on their system so will know your QDC license number and print you a new one. Since you pay an annual fee anyway maybe it won't cost extra.
Hi, does anyone know where can I get the application form from to apply. I contacted then 5 days ago and still no response. Thank youuu
Five days ago was the Eid holiday, I am betting they were closed. Try now, they should be open.
Thank you so much for the sharing. All contents were expressed in a clear n simplified manner n it was meaningful too. You are a marvelous writer. Good work!
liquor permit online maharashtra
Hi sir I applied I was rejected 2times they told me I need 3months bank statement still am rejected without reason should I visit and apply from there please advise
Thanks for the post, Here are the details and complete guide to Book QDC Appointment Online.
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